Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NEW @ artilleri! Kats coat in 4 more colours.

Heya. :)

I had quite a few requests to do the Kats coat in more colours. Emma even suggested that I do it before I released the first batch. Guess I should learn to listen to that little woman. :)

Kats coat yellow ad:

Anyway, 4 more colours, these are more fun and bright than the others that were more autumny. I also changed the fatpack setup on these a little, cause a lot of people already got the first ones, and 10 coats in one pack would be a little much. So now it's devided into autumn, leo (just two in this pack) and the new ones; colours. 200L$ for singles, 500L$ (300L$ for the leos) for fatpacks. :)

Hope you like! And thanks for all the wonderful feedback, I appriciate it lots!!

SLURL to artilleri: artilleri

<3, Ant

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Love to see it in white too or soft gray.