Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NEW @ artilleri! Kats coat in 4 more colours.

Heya. :)

I had quite a few requests to do the Kats coat in more colours. Emma even suggested that I do it before I released the first batch. Guess I should learn to listen to that little woman. :)

Kats coat yellow ad:

Anyway, 4 more colours, these are more fun and bright than the others that were more autumny. I also changed the fatpack setup on these a little, cause a lot of people already got the first ones, and 10 coats in one pack would be a little much. So now it's devided into autumn, leo (just two in this pack) and the new ones; colours. 200L$ for singles, 500L$ (300L$ for the leos) for fatpacks. :)

Hope you like! And thanks for all the wonderful feedback, I appriciate it lots!!

SLURL to artilleri: artilleri

<3, Ant

Monday, September 17, 2007

NEW @ artilleri! Classic retro shirts for teh MEN!

Heya. :D

Something new today,and lo and behold.. It's for the men wandering among us! A set of 10 retro shirts with prim attachments for that extra something something.

The pinstriped version:

And all 10:

They come with a prim collar and prim sleeves. One of the prim sleeves has a cigarette pack tucked into it, but I naturally included one without it for all the non-smokers out there. I know that cigarettes are very frowned upon by some, I hope no one takes offense. :)

<3 Antonia

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

NEW @ artilleri! Kats coat! <3

Heya. :D

Oh wow, I am so tired right now. I'm glad to finally be able to release these. Kats coat! It comes in 6 variations; two leo and 4 colour. Warm and cozy, these should keep you warm in the autumn and winter. :)

200L$ for singles, 650L$ for a fatpack.


xoxo, a very tired Antonia. :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

artilleri SALE!

Oh hai!

Yeeep, having a little sale as a byebye to old items. Earlier when I've retired items I've done so silently, but this time around I decided to hold a 50% off sale for those of you who might want to pick up some stuff at a great price. I have cleared all my stores for these items, so this is the only place you'll find them. And in one week, September 13th, they're gone. Byyye!

I set up a little skybox in my sim, TP there using this SLURL, or use the pick in myy, uhm, picks! :)
artilleri SALE skybox

xoxo, Antonia

Sunday, September 02, 2007

NEW @ artilleri! :) Pants, shirts and glasses!


I have some new stuff up for sale in the artilleri mainstore. Lets have a looksie.

First off we have the Nina highwaist pants. They come in 8 colours and, well, they pretty much rock! :) Black, blue, green, red, orange, pink, white and yellow. Yum! 120L$ for a pair, 620L$ for all 8!

I cant get enough of glasses. I wear the previously released Greta glasses allll the time, so here comes Gladys! Foureyes unite! With a nice mix of texture and prims these are perfect for any retro vixen out there. I originally made these in black only, but my friend Marcelle smacked me in the back of my head and convinced me that colour is our friend. Which I already knew, I was just sleepy at the time. Anyway, they come not only in black but also in white, dark blue, light blue, green, yellow, pink and purple. And they all have gold detailing. Also yum! 120L$ for each pair, and a great deal for fatpacks on glasses, they're only 500L$!

Last new today are the Beatrix shirts. They have a gingham pattern, prim collar and sleeves and come in 8 colours. They are cropped to show off some belly, but if you dont want to show that much skin wear them with one of the Nina pants! Looks grrreat! 100L$ for a shirt, 450L$ for them all.

I really hope you see something you like here, and if you do, here is a SLURL:

xoxo, Antonia