Thursday, December 22, 2011

NEW @ Artilleri! Eartha tops (regular release)

Hi guys!

Just a quick post to let you know that the Eartha tops are now available in 10 colours in the Artilleri mainstore.

L$130 per colour, L$600 for the fatpack.

Eartha on the Marketplace! (See related items for more colours)

Also, I am going home for Christmas tomorrow and will be mostly absent from SL till New Years. If you need to get a hold of me, drop me a IM, not a notecard, so that I can get back to you as easy as possible. For missing inworld purchases, stop by the redelivery terminal, there is one in the middle of the diner and one in the middle of the Home store. For missing purchases from the Marketplace, send me a IM.

Merry Christmas!!


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